Seeing Stars Sew Along-Week Four

Week Four:
Make two blocks and post them to Instagram. Remember to use the hashtag #seeingstarssal. I'll be checking the hashtag regularly and will continue to share your progress in my stories. I loved seeing all of the blocks that were posted last week. If you haven't checked out the hashtag, you should take a peek and see what everyone is working on.
Here's a look at my week three blocks. I get so excited to see how each block comes out because they are all so different. I didn't thoroughly plan my color placement, I'm more of a "just make it random" kind of girl.
I have a little tip that might help you with accuracy. It doesn't work all the time because your fabric colors might be too light but take a look at the video and see if its something that might help you out.
Have fun working on these next two blocks this week and be sure to reach out if you have any questions.
Post a picture of this week's blocks to Instagram.
Be sure you are including the #seeingstarssal hashtag in your post to be eligible.
- The winner will receive this fat quarter bundle of Bonnie and Camille fabrics.
- The weekly winner will be announced in the Monday emails.
(US only please due to shipping costs)
If you missed the Week 3 blog post, you can check that out HERE.
I'm looking forward to seeing all of your blocks this week!
Happy quilting!